I love Halloween.
My childhood memories of Trick or Treat
and the time leading up to it
always brings a smile to my face.
The smell of burning leaves,
the crispness of the air at night,
pumpkins everywhere,
football on Friday nights,
all take me back to that wondrous time.
I remember planning for Trick or Treat.
Should we start by knocking on nearby doors or should we creep out first to other neighborhoods?

Do I bring an extra bag or run home to dump my tasty treasures before the re-load?

Will I be the one to find the KRNS Mystery House and win the transistor radio or am I too late?
Will the Hines Lumber Co. Guesthouse be out of the Botan Rice candy before I get there?

Is Dr. John still giving out FULL SIZED candy bars??

Are there any "big kids" dastardly pilfering treats from younger doorbell ringers?
Will Mom let me stay out later this year?

Who will bring the biggest bag of bonbons to school the next day?
Enough reminiscence, I need to complete my spooky decorations. Yep, I am that house on the block, the one with all the window decorations, lights, and inflatables - looking forward to all the Trick or Treaters to come knocking at my door.
And now I leave you with a quote from Ray Bradbury's Halloween Tree:
“They banged doors, they shouted Trick or Treat and their brown paper bags began to fill with incredible sweets. They galloped with their teeth glued shut with pink gum. They ran with red wax lips bedazzling their faces. But all the people who met them at doors looked like candy factory duplicates of their own mothers and fathers. It was like never leaving home."