For Super Mariota! On the short list for the Heisman, many pro scouts have him at the top of their board for the upcoming draft (stay, Marcus, stay). And, finally, finally, he got to play in the 4th quarter sending the Dogs to their renovated kennel with their tails between their legs.

At Johnny Manziel, leading his team mates in a prayer on the sidelines before last weekend's A & M's game winning FG. C'mon, if God cared about football, Notre Dame would never lose or have gone through the embarrassing Manti Te'o fiasco.
For sure-thing AL Cy Young winner, Max Scherzer has been incredible! Regular season winner of 21 games, Mad Max has only given up 4 runs and struck out 24 in 16 innings of post season play.

At the Tiger bullpen, sheesh. GM Dave Dombroski should be on the phone NOW to any top free agent reliever. Open up the wallet, Mr. Ilitch!
To the new look Red Wings currently topping the standings in the Atlantic Division of their new home in the Eastern conference.

For the greed of the Oregon Athletic Department dropping a Eugene travel agency in favor of a Texas-based firm to save a paltry $30,000 (drop in the bucket for the U of O Athletic Dept.) Nice gesture for the locals, now the U of O is contributing to Oregon unemployment. I would think the last business venture the Ducks had in Texas would have left a sour taste, but I guess not. Anybody know if Willie Lyles does airline rez?

For me, finally getting my wife a new car (this may earn me a jeer, as well, for waiting so long). Her old one had no heater and the shocks were so shot it was like riding a roller coaster. By the way, the hamsters did not come standard.

For the Duck's Colt Lyerla leaving the team in mid-season. Obviously his agenda was more important than the team's. Good bye to a problem child, hello to Johnny Mundt and Pharoah Brown.
To my daughter for leading her junior class to a win over the seniors in their annual dance competition!
To me for not writing anything in such a long time.
What a pathetic excuse for a blogger!